Kearns Board Company

Kearns Board Company

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection On Social Media Course


 Light At The End Of The Tunnel

  • Finishing anything makes one feel accomplished. This course like any other is no different. With the end coming near it's now time to reflect on what my opinion is of this course. Before this class started my initial feeling about it was excitement. Social Media Marketing makes me think of using technology which I would consider one of my strength to fully enhance my learning skills. So lets get started and jump into it.

  • First let's start with the strength of the course. I thought that the class covered many good social media choices. It focused on making yourself fully capable with the basic social media options. I thought though that some of the material was a bit out of place. This is not to say it is useless by any means. I fully understand that one may have to use any sort of social media. But I thought things like niche were not needed in the lessons. It felt like we wasted a day on something that I still have no clue about. Another thing was I felt that technology and communication could be improved. I also understand being in River Falls and Eau Claire the class presenting difficulties, but a lot of the times technology wasn't working or working the way the class needed it, and therefore many times things that were out of the students hands affected the way of learning. I do not think our blog is the correct spot to throw our honest opinions about this course either. I feel that this should be private and I would like to express more honest feeling, but I'll just like that alone.

  • Some of the most beneficial things I will take from this class are my experiences with things I had not to dabble in. Twitter was new to me, I had not used it for personal use, but now can defiantly see the benefits of being on as many social media sites as possible if you were a business. I'll also take away the skill of takings things as they come and still working. Yes as I expressed earlier the class was not perfect, but the world isn't perfect and while in the business world things come up, and one needs to learn to plunge on and get it done. Overall this class has been beneficial for me and helping me advance in my education. I only hope that this class is review on its format and tweaked a little to better fit students.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Up and coming check out KTB our newest app.


Breaking News


  • Here at Kearns Board Company we always are searching for ways to enhance our customer experience with us. With the changing of times, and technology constantly involving. We realize now days we live in a microwave lifestyle. Everything needs to be fast and easy because now days we all are on the go constantly. This brings us to our big news as of today we will be introducing our very own app.

  • KBS is the name. This stands for Kearns Board Company. Starting this company was not the only dream I had. I also always dreamed of a way I could not only enhance my customer shopping experience, but also bring together the boarding community in a way that no one else has see. KBS is an app that will alert you of current sales, and also always be accessible to view our products. It will make online shopping portable and always accessible. It sends you alerts on upcoming deals and sales, and also alerts you of store information such as weather days or anything that could affect you as a customer. We realize that other app's do this for other stores, but KBS is much more then just a shopping app. It ties in with the boarding community. KBS provides information on all local shows and demo's from snowboarding to wake boarding. It keeps people up to date with contest winners, and whose killing it. It also acts as a media sharing device. This lets all you gnarly boarders out there to upload your video's and pictures that make Kearns Board Company possible. It let's you connect with your favorite athletes by allowing quick access to their other social media outlets. KBS is available for your smart phones, all your tablets. You can find it in the android app store, and apple's version too.

  • We obviously encourage all our customers to download this app, but not for the benefit of us but for the benefit of you. Our customers mean the world to us, and making any experience they have with us better is always a goal we are striding for, but as a boarding company the kids out there skating in their driveways at 13 to the little guys on the bunny hill snowboarding. These kids, these families make what we do possible. KBS will allow us all to connect and share these great and timeless moments. It not only will make your shopping experience with us stronger, but will allow us to connect as a community and bring all us board lovers together.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

All Hair No Cares

No Problems
No Shave

All Hair No Cares

The mentality for this month!


  • It's that time of year again ladies and gentlemen, the time of year where faces become hidden, and our imaginations run wild. Halloween has already past so this must men it's No Shave November! We all know that this month allows us to grow out our facial hair for a month straight, but we sometimes tend to forget the greater cause. No Shave November is in support to help and raise awareness for cancer. Therefore being how we have already shown our love and support for breast cancer awareness month, we felt this month should be no different, and of course we have a huge obsession with men's facial hair and there flow. I mean come on who doesn't appreciate a killer beard.
  • To kick it off this month we are putting all snowboards, bindings, ski's, and poles all 15 percent off for the whole month of November. We also are having our best facial hair contest. Come on into the store and show off your luscious facial hair. We will take a picture of each contestant and at the end of the month decide who the winner is. The winner will receive a 100 dollar gift card for any merchandise in the store. Finally we are having a junior rail jam here at the store. We will be setting up a few mini parks, and bringing down a few of our team snowboarders to put on a mini demo, also riders will be able to ride the course too. Food and drinks will be provided and donations to raise awareness for cancer would be greatly appreciated. 
  • We love the idea of No Shave November and recognize the fun and excitement many people get from this awesome idea, but at the end of the day this month boils down to trying to beat that bug we all known as cancer. The fight is not hopeless and with the help from everyone and a few beards we can do our part because this is a fight that we will win. Finally though we wanted to have some fun with this though, so knowing the month was coming up we have our staff start a month early. Here are the results so far. 

Ryan's in full effect
Tom's awesome beard

Gary's Killer Smile

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

What's up friends this next week we are hosting our very first contest. We appreciate all our customers and think of you as family, and therefore want to try and reward some of our loyal customers. From November 1 to November 6 if you come into the store and purchase anything over $25 dollars you will be put into a drawing. The drawing will apply to anyone even our own employee's because we recognize them as family too.

Some rules will apply to the contest. You may only enter the drawing twice, this applies to if you come different days and purchase over $25 each time. It also applies to if you spend $50 dollars you will receive two entries, but once you get two entries no matter how, you are all done entering the contest. Now finally for what everyone has been waiting for and that be what are you exactly winning... the prize! The winner of the contest drawing will receive some pretty rad things starting with:
  • 150 dollar gift card for any winter apparel merchandise in the store or online ordering
  • Picture up in the store as first contest winner
  • Free pass to choice of Afton Alps, or Trollhaugen ( the pass to Afton Alps does not include the out west package, only exclusive to Afton Alps and that's it).
  • Free choice of any Snowboard or Wakeboard from 2014 or last year's line.

We will be announcing the winner of the drawing Friday night November 6 via Vine which we will link to Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, and Instagram.

You may wonder why we are offering all this up as the prize, and quite honestly the answer is we love our customers. We recognize all you guys as family from the one time customer, to the loyal frequent customer. We also offer this to our staff because without them we wouldn't be where we are today. You guys all make Kearns Board Company what we are today, and you make this dream of ours a reality. So come on down and get in this contest because we want to reward you!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trick Or Treat Sale


Trick Or Treat Sale

It's that time of year again, where ghosts and candy corn fill our hearts. Halloween is almost here my friends, and here at Kearns Board Company we couldn't be more excited. What's more exciting then dressing up as your favorite character, and getting free candy. I mean come on free candy there's nothing better then that! To kick off this great holiday right we will be hosting our first annual Trick Or Treat Halloween sale. This sale will go through October 26 - October 31.

  • 15 percent off all winter apparel, and buy one get one free for all bindings and ski poles
  • 30 percent off of limited supplies of wakeboard, and longboards
  • Free candy all week for anyone who stops by
  • Free entry in drawing for 500 dollar gift card, when purchasing over 50 dollars.
We hope to make this sale an annual event, and we hope that everyone has an awesome and spooky week. So make sure you stop on down and celebrate the week of Halloween with us here.

Below here are just some products that will be available for the Trick or Treat Sale:

And finally if your lost for costume idea's or just in need of a laugh check out these Top 10 Ski Costumes. Top 10 Ski Costumes



Sunday, October 18, 2015

Some Killer Spots


Top 4 Killer Spots:

Winter is coming faster and faster each day, and therefore we thought we would share some of our favorite spots to get out and shred some slopes. Over 15 years of experience, I've been fortunate enough to really get out there and shred some really cool spots. I have gotten to see the difference each area brings, and how people perceive things differently for each hill. If you have snowboarded for years or just are a beginner you understand that everyone will find their favorite things. Some people love the to sit in the park, and just ride the tow rope all day, some people love to get air and hit big jumps and drops. There also is those people who just love to ride and carve. Below are a top 4 list of my favorite spots to go, and if you get some free time would definitely suggest you check out!
  • Keystone - Boulder Colorado 
    • This right here is my favorite spot of all time. I've been lucky enough to get out there now the past 3 years. Takes everything I've experienced around here to another level. The parks are huge, the setup is great never any crowding in the park, and the park setup flows so well. The jumps are almost too big if you are looking to try something crazy you will find no issues for that. The terrain and snow is always at tip top shape, never any ice coating, or jumps and rails being poor conditions. 

  • Buck Hill -  Burnsville MN 
    • My favorite spot for the past couple years around here. Absolute sick rails and jumps, always have the nicest things. Maintained like no other. Constantly always looking for ways to improve their overall place for riders. Transworld snowboarding even came down to ride, for those who don't know Transwold snowboarding is a company that comes with professionals and rides and video resorts all over the world, therefore Buck hill making it should say enough get down there!

  • TrollHaugen - Dresser Wisconsin
  • Source:
    • Right here is my favorite hometown spot. Been going here for 8 years now and see the growth in it. 2 tow ropes on each side one for the park, and one for the big air side. I've personally seen this place grow so much. It's a smaller spot and not many huge hills, but have great rails, a couple big drop in's, and the atmosphere is not like any other. There midnight run is something everyone should try. They provide live bands every Friday night just a great place to get the friends on a Friday night and go shred.

  • Afton Alps - Afton Minnesota 
  • Source:
    • Another hometown spot close to my heart. I've gotten my fair share of experience here since I was a kid. Really nice and big spot, a little more area and jumps then Trollhaugen. They now have joined with Veil out in Colorado, so you can now purchase a season pass to Afton and be able to head out West to Veil big resort also with that pass. Sometimes get a little crowded, attracts a lot of people, but overall a really great spot especially if you have a family.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Slopes Run Pink


  • It's pink season again, and breast cancer awareness month is in full effect. Here at Kearns Board company we are very big into supporting the breast cancer community. We believe that there is a cure and to never stop fighting to find that. This month also holds a very special spot in our heart as well. Our owner and founder of Kearns Board Company had his best friend's mom pass from breast cancer in the 8th grade. Not only was she a second mother to him, but also she was best of friends with his mother too. We wanted to really show our support, and came up with the decision to throw an event in help with our friends over at CamelBack Mountain Resort!

  • Above is a quick video that showing how CamelBack Mountain Resort out of PA, decided it could show its support for breast cancer awareness month. We have decided together to help get this message out even more, and not only have we decided for this month to slash all winter gear by 20 percent, but we also have a deal going on where if you spend more then 100 dollars anytime this month here at Kearns Board Company, you will receive a free 3 day pass out at CamelBack Mountain Resort. CamelBack will also be holding the same 20 percent sale off all winter gear out at their resort store also. All of these proceeding will be donated to help further cancer research.
  • Sometimes in life we forget what is most important, remember to take time out of your day and be thankful everyday for good health and family. Together this fight will be won, and every person can help with that. Together we will cure this disease and tell cancer no that it cannot hold us beneath by fear. So come on down to Kearns Board Company this month and show your support, because together anything can be accomplished.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

LaOrganic Foods Check It Out

Whats up fellow friends, we got some way cool news for you all. Our friends over at LaOrganic Foods are doing some great things with there new blog, and we know that you all will love it so go ahead and check it out.

What is LaOrganic Food? They are a local grocery store thats all about fun, Providing you with great food at the best deal while constantly getting involved with the community.

Who is Emma? Emma is the owner of LaOrganic Foods, and if your looking for a spunky young girl whose not afraid to get her hands dirty you've found her. We here at Kearns Board Company have done business with Emma and cannot stop raving about her. She basically is just flat out awesome!

Look at some of these cool food images they got going on! How can these not get you hungry instantly.



There blog provides much more then just a hungry stomach. Some other cool features there blog has going on:

  • Twitter feed with constant updates 
  • Information on how to get in contact with them and where to follow them
  • Twitter and Facebook Information
  • What to eat Tips
  • Much More!
Finally check out there kickoff event coming up! Who can go wrong with this menu? We already booked it down to gain 10 pounds that day. So get on over to LaOrganic and check out some really awesome information.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Toys For You

HyperLite is the #1 selling wakeboard out there. Want to get out on the water and get the best of both worlds by sheading the water through the air and on the water, there's no better option then HyperLite and here at Kearns Board Company we provide the biggest selection in this awesome water adventure.
 Element has been a staple in the skate industry for years. They have been providing the highest quality boards for people for over 25 years. Wind Water Fire Earth best describes these boards you will get a sense of each of  these when you take the ride of your life.

Burton is the biggest player here in the snowboard game. They are the first person to take snowboards to the next point and really ignite the game. They are the biggest provider in the world of snowboards and we would give you no less when dealing with them. We carry the biggest selection of these awesome snow power machines.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Winter Is A Coming Open House Event

Winter Is A Coming Open House Event


Hello fellow board lovers, next Saturday September 26 we will be throwing our "Winter Is A Coming Open House Event".  This is our kick off event not only for our store but also for the winter season that is approaching us. We will start at 11am by kicking off with our free skate show in the parking lot, which also will include free food and beverages also live music. Throughout the day door prizes will be drawn for every hour until 7pm. Also the winter kick off sale will be all day
during our event. All winter merchandise including snowboards and bindings will be 30 percent off. Then finally ending this awesome day with a free firework show at dusk. We hope everyone can make it out, and can't wait to see all your awesome faces!

  • Event open to all ages
  • Smoke Free Zone
  • Beer garden for 21 years of age and older
  • Rain or shine event will be held
  • 11:00am: Skate Show
  • 11:00am: Drawings 
  • 12:00pm: Free Food & Beverages
  • 2:00pm: Live Music 
  • Dusk: Fireworks 

Below we have linked our twitter account.

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