Kearns Board Company

Kearns Board Company

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection On Social Media Course


 Light At The End Of The Tunnel

  • Finishing anything makes one feel accomplished. This course like any other is no different. With the end coming near it's now time to reflect on what my opinion is of this course. Before this class started my initial feeling about it was excitement. Social Media Marketing makes me think of using technology which I would consider one of my strength to fully enhance my learning skills. So lets get started and jump into it.

  • First let's start with the strength of the course. I thought that the class covered many good social media choices. It focused on making yourself fully capable with the basic social media options. I thought though that some of the material was a bit out of place. This is not to say it is useless by any means. I fully understand that one may have to use any sort of social media. But I thought things like niche were not needed in the lessons. It felt like we wasted a day on something that I still have no clue about. Another thing was I felt that technology and communication could be improved. I also understand being in River Falls and Eau Claire the class presenting difficulties, but a lot of the times technology wasn't working or working the way the class needed it, and therefore many times things that were out of the students hands affected the way of learning. I do not think our blog is the correct spot to throw our honest opinions about this course either. I feel that this should be private and I would like to express more honest feeling, but I'll just like that alone.

  • Some of the most beneficial things I will take from this class are my experiences with things I had not to dabble in. Twitter was new to me, I had not used it for personal use, but now can defiantly see the benefits of being on as many social media sites as possible if you were a business. I'll also take away the skill of takings things as they come and still working. Yes as I expressed earlier the class was not perfect, but the world isn't perfect and while in the business world things come up, and one needs to learn to plunge on and get it done. Overall this class has been beneficial for me and helping me advance in my education. I only hope that this class is review on its format and tweaked a little to better fit students.


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