Kearns Board Company

Kearns Board Company

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection On Social Media Course


 Light At The End Of The Tunnel

  • Finishing anything makes one feel accomplished. This course like any other is no different. With the end coming near it's now time to reflect on what my opinion is of this course. Before this class started my initial feeling about it was excitement. Social Media Marketing makes me think of using technology which I would consider one of my strength to fully enhance my learning skills. So lets get started and jump into it.

  • First let's start with the strength of the course. I thought that the class covered many good social media choices. It focused on making yourself fully capable with the basic social media options. I thought though that some of the material was a bit out of place. This is not to say it is useless by any means. I fully understand that one may have to use any sort of social media. But I thought things like niche were not needed in the lessons. It felt like we wasted a day on something that I still have no clue about. Another thing was I felt that technology and communication could be improved. I also understand being in River Falls and Eau Claire the class presenting difficulties, but a lot of the times technology wasn't working or working the way the class needed it, and therefore many times things that were out of the students hands affected the way of learning. I do not think our blog is the correct spot to throw our honest opinions about this course either. I feel that this should be private and I would like to express more honest feeling, but I'll just like that alone.

  • Some of the most beneficial things I will take from this class are my experiences with things I had not to dabble in. Twitter was new to me, I had not used it for personal use, but now can defiantly see the benefits of being on as many social media sites as possible if you were a business. I'll also take away the skill of takings things as they come and still working. Yes as I expressed earlier the class was not perfect, but the world isn't perfect and while in the business world things come up, and one needs to learn to plunge on and get it done. Overall this class has been beneficial for me and helping me advance in my education. I only hope that this class is review on its format and tweaked a little to better fit students.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Up and coming check out KTB our newest app.


Breaking News


  • Here at Kearns Board Company we always are searching for ways to enhance our customer experience with us. With the changing of times, and technology constantly involving. We realize now days we live in a microwave lifestyle. Everything needs to be fast and easy because now days we all are on the go constantly. This brings us to our big news as of today we will be introducing our very own app.

  • KBS is the name. This stands for Kearns Board Company. Starting this company was not the only dream I had. I also always dreamed of a way I could not only enhance my customer shopping experience, but also bring together the boarding community in a way that no one else has see. KBS is an app that will alert you of current sales, and also always be accessible to view our products. It will make online shopping portable and always accessible. It sends you alerts on upcoming deals and sales, and also alerts you of store information such as weather days or anything that could affect you as a customer. We realize that other app's do this for other stores, but KBS is much more then just a shopping app. It ties in with the boarding community. KBS provides information on all local shows and demo's from snowboarding to wake boarding. It keeps people up to date with contest winners, and whose killing it. It also acts as a media sharing device. This lets all you gnarly boarders out there to upload your video's and pictures that make Kearns Board Company possible. It let's you connect with your favorite athletes by allowing quick access to their other social media outlets. KBS is available for your smart phones, all your tablets. You can find it in the android app store, and apple's version too.

  • We obviously encourage all our customers to download this app, but not for the benefit of us but for the benefit of you. Our customers mean the world to us, and making any experience they have with us better is always a goal we are striding for, but as a boarding company the kids out there skating in their driveways at 13 to the little guys on the bunny hill snowboarding. These kids, these families make what we do possible. KBS will allow us all to connect and share these great and timeless moments. It not only will make your shopping experience with us stronger, but will allow us to connect as a community and bring all us board lovers together.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

All Hair No Cares

No Problems
No Shave

All Hair No Cares

The mentality for this month!


  • It's that time of year again ladies and gentlemen, the time of year where faces become hidden, and our imaginations run wild. Halloween has already past so this must men it's No Shave November! We all know that this month allows us to grow out our facial hair for a month straight, but we sometimes tend to forget the greater cause. No Shave November is in support to help and raise awareness for cancer. Therefore being how we have already shown our love and support for breast cancer awareness month, we felt this month should be no different, and of course we have a huge obsession with men's facial hair and there flow. I mean come on who doesn't appreciate a killer beard.
  • To kick it off this month we are putting all snowboards, bindings, ski's, and poles all 15 percent off for the whole month of November. We also are having our best facial hair contest. Come on into the store and show off your luscious facial hair. We will take a picture of each contestant and at the end of the month decide who the winner is. The winner will receive a 100 dollar gift card for any merchandise in the store. Finally we are having a junior rail jam here at the store. We will be setting up a few mini parks, and bringing down a few of our team snowboarders to put on a mini demo, also riders will be able to ride the course too. Food and drinks will be provided and donations to raise awareness for cancer would be greatly appreciated. 
  • We love the idea of No Shave November and recognize the fun and excitement many people get from this awesome idea, but at the end of the day this month boils down to trying to beat that bug we all known as cancer. The fight is not hopeless and with the help from everyone and a few beards we can do our part because this is a fight that we will win. Finally though we wanted to have some fun with this though, so knowing the month was coming up we have our staff start a month early. Here are the results so far. 

Ryan's in full effect
Tom's awesome beard

Gary's Killer Smile

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